I&R citizens' initiative and referendum
biographical note MICHAEL MACPHERSON
My background is in medicine and inter-disciplinary science. I have worked as a university lecturer/researcher and senior hospital doctor. In the early 1980s in Britain I co-founded an association of health workers for social responsibility which later affiliated with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War IPPNW. I co-operated in the independent peace movement which aimed to resolve the 'cold war' conflict between the communist countries and the west. 1985, in Berlin FRG, I founded the interdisciplinary project Psycho-Social and Medical Research PSAMRA. Integral Studies is the new programme of PSAMRA, based in human ecology and conflict research, which ventures into political fields of study, taking especially a perspective of the citizen. More about PSAMRA/Integral Studies and some fairly recent writing are linked here. In the 1990s I initiated and carried out work with Robert J. Lifton and the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies into the trauma of political oppression in eastern Europe and USSR, from 1994 published on the applications of 'internet' to political participation and democracy. In the late 1990s I launched a campaign for direct democracy in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, called Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R http://www.iniref.org/