PierVincenzo Uleri
is senior Lecturer in Political science at the Cesare Alfieri University of Floren, where he teaches on political parties and interests groups.
Book in English
Michael Gallagher and Pier Vincenzo Uleri (eds.),
1996a The Referendum Experience in Europe, Basingstoke: Macmillan
Articles in English
Uleri, Pier Vincenzo,
1985 The deliberative initiative of June 1985 in Italy, Electoral Studies, 4:3, pp. 271-277.
1989 The 1987 referendum, pp. 155-177 in Robert Leonardi and PierGiorgio Corbetta (eds.), Italian Politics: a review, vol. 3. London: Pinter.
1996a Introduction, in Michael Gallagher and Pier Vincenzo Uleri (eds.), The a.Referendum Experience in Europe, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 1-19.
1996b. Italy: referendums and initiatives from the origins to the crisis of a democratic regime, in Michael Gallagher and Pier Vincenzo Uleri (eds.), The Referendum Experience in Europe, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 106-125.
Uleri, Pier Vincenzo and Roberto Fideli,
1996c Referenda dont fall from the sky: The June initiatives, in Mario Caciagli and David I. Kertzer (eds.), Italian Politics - The Stalled Transition, Boulder, Colorado and Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 69-99.
Uleri, Pier Vincenzo,
2002 On Referendum Voting in Italy: Yes, No or Non-vote? How Italian Parties Learned to Control Referenda, European Journal of Political Research, 41, pp. 863-883;
Books in Italian
Caciagli, Mario e Uleri, PierVincenzo (a cura di)
1994 Democrazie e referendum, Roma e Bari, Laterza, p. 439.
Uleri, Pier Vincenzo,
2003 Referendum e Democrazia. Una prospettiva comparata, Bologna, Il Mulino, p. 361.
Articles in Italian (most recent):
Uleri, Pier Vincenzo,
2002 Referendum: tra liberalismo e democrazia. Asserzioni di valore e osservazioni empiriche, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, a. XXXII, n. 2, , pp. 195-238.
2003 Referendum: Europa Centro-orientale e Italia, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politicaª, a. XXXIII, n. 2, pp. 317-332;
2004 Referendum, in N. Bobbio N. Matteucci G. Pasquino (eds.), Il Dizionario di Politica, Torino, Utet-Libreria, pp. 808-811.