I&R GB citizens' initiative and referendum
MembershipTo apply by e-mail complete the form below and send to join@iniref.org
Please enroll me as a member of Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&Rgb. I agree with the aims of I&Rgb which are:To inform and educate about citizens' initiative and referendum (I and R) called by the people.To promote a public debate about initiative and referendum in Britain.To work for the introduction of elements of direct democracy such as
I and R into the British system of government.Signed (only applications on paper)NameAddressElectronic mail addressTelephone number---------------------------------------
Annual membership fee:
Low income 5 pounds sterling
Average income 25 pounds sterling
Higher income 50 pounds sterlingMethods of payment - bank transfer, cheque or Postal Order - details will be supplied after your membership application has been received by us. You may also pay via PAYPAL
To reply by e-mail please copy and paste the above application form into the body of an e-mail message addressed to join@iniref.org with the subject "membership", type in the responses and post.Pass on this application form with information about I&R to other people and groups.