This website is part of a campaign for more effective and responsive democracy in Britain. Reform of democracy in Britain has been agonisingly slow for several hundred years. In order to succeed we need active working contributors, supporting members and donations.Your support is urgently needed to:
step up our education and outreach campaign - direct democracy remains a mystery to most people in Britain
develop brochures and educational materials
maintain and improve the INIREF web-sites and domains.
To support the campaign to introduce Citizens' Initiative and Referendum in Britain you can
Join I&R. Benefits: You gain full and free access to all resources at the I&R websites, will receive e-news about I&R developments and become eligible to join the I&R on-line forum. All you have to do is state that you agree with the listed aims of the campaign to educate about and promote citizens' initiative and referendum in Britain. Fill in the membership form and return it by e-mail. See a summary of why you should join I&R.
Volunteer to help with the campaign. You can find here some ideas plus roles and tasks. Bring your own talents and suggestions.
Make a gift or donate money Some of our planned activities which need support are listed here. Details of how to donate are here. Running a successful campaign requires professional standards. These cannot be achieved without adequate financial support.