I&R citizens' initiative and referendum
biographical notes
DITTMER Heiko link
ERNE Roland +
GARDINER Angelike +
GAWLIK Radoslav +
INGRASCI Ombretta +
MCGLYNN James link
SCHILY Daniel +
ULERI PierVincenzo +
ADINOLFI Mario ++ scroll down this page
ROLAND ERNERoland Erne is a Swiss political scientist and Lecturer of industrial relations at University College Dublin. His teaching and research interests include direct and transnational democracy, the European Union, globalisation and the emerging trends in work and employment. He is a fellow of the Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe. MORE.....
I was born in Munich in 1941 and now I am a retired journalist in
Hamburg. My first experience with direct democracy dates back to the
sixties when I still lived in Bavaria. There direct domcracy was
introduced shortly after World War II. Hamburg was the last Bundesland
to finally allow referendums in 1996. I became a member of Mehr
Demokratie in 1997 and took part in the first campaign in Hamburg. MORE...GREGOR HACKMACK
academic interest:
power, domination and emancipation - what motivates people to get involved
in politics / titel of Masters thesis: "Power (to) in movement. A power
analysis of the London Peace Demonstration on February 15th, 2003"political involvement (a selection):
- campaign coordinator for the Hamburg referendum campaign to introduce a
more democratic electoral system (Jan 2004 - July 2004)
- active in the organisation Mehr Demokratie e.V. - Hamburg
- involved in organising an Internet project to monitor Hamburg's MPs MORE...FILIA DEN HOLLANDER
Visual artist, lives and works in Amsterdam. Since 2001 Filia den Hollander has been dedicated to bringing forward direct democracy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and the European Union. One of her sources of inspiration is the Joseph Beuysian (German artist, 1921-1986) notion that society is a "Social Sculpture" in which all of us participates in "moulding" our society and we are, through our participation, "artists" ourselves. Involved in WIT, Movement for Direct Democracy, Amsterdams Initiatief, European Referendum Campaign.
After graduating in Modern History at the University of Milan, I started in 2000 a PhD in Modern History at Queen Mary College, University of London. I am about to submit the doctoral thesis, entitled ‘The changing role of women in the Italian Mafia since 1945’. The ‘girotondo per la democrazia’ is a form of protest organised by Italian civil society against the Berlusconi government’s attack on the Italian Constitution. The first girotondo, organised in 2002 by myself along with my sister and other ten friends... MORE....
1985, in Berlin FRG, I founded the interdisciplinary project Psycho-Social and Medical Research PSAMRA. Integral Studies is the new programme of PSAMRA, based in human ecology and conflict research, which ventures into political fields of study, taking especially a perspective of the citizen. In the late 1990s I launched a campaign for direct democracy in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, called Citizens' Initiative and Referendum I&R http://www.iniref.org/ MORE....
DANIEL SCHILY click to see search results
Brian Beedham was Foreign Editor of The Economist 1964-1989 and Associate Editor 1989-2002. Read philosophy, politics and economics at the Queen's College, Oxford; served in Royal Artillery 1950-1952; Harkness Fellow in the United States 1956-57; Washington correspondent of The Economist 1958-61. Paper: Full DemocracyPIERVINCENZO ULERI
is a Senior Lecturer in political science at the ‘Cesare Alfieri’ University of Florence, where he teaches on political parties and interests groups.
Selected publicationsRADOSLAV GAWLIK
"Wolnosc i Pokoj" (Freedom and Peace). Member of parliament 1989-1991, 1991-2001. Since 2001 Green Party.MARIO ADINOLFI
was born in Rome in 1971. After graduating in Contemporary History in 1997, in 2001 he founded the movement Democrazia Diretta. This movement faced local elections in Rome in 2001 and 2003, promoting a direct democracy program.
As a journalist Adinolfi is the editor of Media Quotidiano <http://www.mediaquotidiano.it> one of the most popular political e-magazine in Italy.* collaborator