citizens' initiative and referendum


FLYER FOR ELECTION AND BY-ELECTION CAMPAIGNS To download and print as PDF or distribute on-line

Conference: More Direct Democracy for GB

HOW TO introduce Direct Democracy: Experts

Tactics: Elections, tackle MPs & candidates


PAMPHLET Download our print-ready pamphlet. Print back and front onto A4 paper  (purple paper looks good, white too) then fold. Print a sample, dozens or hundreds!

VOTE FOR MORE DEMOCRACY: Ballot for Direct Democracy in Britain. Internet Vote or Traditional Vote (detail below)

Links, literature, information about I&R and direct democracy  FREE JOURNAL ARTICLE::Direct Democracy in 5 Countries of Europe 

FORUM for discussion and exchange  


How to organise your own local referendum on an issue that is important to your community.

LEAFLET for distribution ON-LINE and OFF-LINE (detail below)

Basic proposal Our proposal, presented here in brief, for discussion, has a three-step procedure

Proposal for citizens' initiative and referendum (and recall) IN A NUTSHELL (link below)


You can join and support the campaign for
citizens' initiative and referendum
follow this link to the

Ballot for Direct Democracy in Britain

VOTE FOR MORE DEMOCRACY Vote yourself then help to motivate others via internet and on paper

Voting by "ordinary citizens" in a referendum "from below" may seem to be a waste of time. That ain't necessarily so. There are some good reasons to launch and to assist a "referendum for the right to referendum". For example:

We aim to show that many people support the proposals to renovate our archaic method of governing ourselves. By publishing the results of the ballot we hope to demonstrate that there is strong interest in direct democracy. Others will then be more likely to take up the ideas and help to spread them across the countries and to people of many different backgrounds.

The idea of introducing elements of direct democracy will be spread. People will talk about them. Ways to progress towards a practice of citizens' initiative and referendum will be found.

The potential of wide area computer networks to assist democracy will be tested and positive innovations in the application of these may result.

Our "print and distribute" offers (e.g. for the Ballot Paper) will reach people who are not connected to Internet etc.. This will cross over the "digital divide" and be helpful for people who prefer an old-fashioned communication medium.

Internet Vote:  Our WWW "polling station" is hosted by I-petition.com. There you can read our appeal and sign a ballot for the introduction of citizens' referendum in Britain. And you can record your own comments.

Ballot for Direct Democracy in Britain

Vote and comment at the

Traditional Vote: DOWNLOAD the ballot paper "Ballot for Direct Democracy in Britain" as a print-ready pdf file.

After printing you can photocopy the ballot paper, approach people asking for their signature, distribute the ballot paper to individuals and groups. Collect the signed ballot papers, count and record the results, store the ballot papers and send the result by e-mail to Referendum Votes.

LEAFLET for distribution ON-LINE and OFF-LINE

The "heart of the matter" presented in straightforward language. You can copy and paste the text into an e-mail message and send it to your friends and acquaintances, use it as your email sig, "post the notice" on your own website, think of other ways to get the direct democratic message out and about. Also you can PRINT OUT the leaflet and distribute at your workplace, in your town, district and pub.

DOWNLOAD the leaflet as a print-ready pdf file.

Basic proposal Our proposal, presented here in brief, for discussion, has a three-step procedure

Proposal for citizens' initiative and referendum (and recall)IN A NUTSHELL

Provides a short introduction to methods of direct democracy which have been tested in other countries and which easily can be integrated into a parliamentary system of governance such as the British one.